Sara Pons
(clown, dancer, choreographer, teacher and
Trained in classical, contemporary and “flamenco” dance. At the Eulàlia Blasi (homologated by the institut de teatre de Barcelona) Theatre, with Nancy Tuñón( Bcn) , Circus at Circus Tánger y Music at EMM Badalona. At the age of 16, Sara discovers the world of clowns and begins to investigate deeply with various masters, among them: Philippe Gaulier, Jango Edward, Richi Mora and Jon Davison.
Her passion for this, takes her to different parts of the world – Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, India, Tanzania and Europe, where she can profound her knowledge. She undergoes years of studies of Body Weather with André Corchero, , Hisako Horikawa, Frank Van de Ven, Ouguri, Constanza Brnic, Carme Torrent i Ricardo Mora també Butoh amb Yumiko Yoshioka, Imre Thorman, Juschka Weigel, Minako Seki , Valentin tzin, Rhizome Lee (subbody Butoh School Himalayas), among other teachers of contemporary dance, such as Mal Pelo, Sol Picó, Jordi Cortés
In 2008,Together with RichI Mora, she creates Cia.El Otro, a multidisciplinary company (Clown,Dance,Music and Object Manpulation).
They present their performances in various National and International Festivals ; Linz Platzspektakel, Zurich theatre Spektakel, Aurillac,Umore Azoka ,Festival Barcelona en Butoh, among others.
Cia. Elotro has also performed as a duo of clowns in different circus tents and given courses and workshops of Clown Dance in Granada,Bilbao and Barcelona. Sara has worked with Cia. Malucada,Cia.Inuter,Col-lectiu No Apte (Best Street performance during the fesats of La Merce , Barcelona 1999),Cia.Demente(Brasil).
As a solo performer she did “Always Look at the Sea” by Joaquín Sánchez, First Prize winner as choreographer of the Solo Festivals of Stuttgart. Nowadays she is part of the Cia.MonsDansa (Nats Nus) performing Minimón and WabiSabi, the latter having featured during 3 weeks at the New Victory Theater in New York during the month of November 2016.
She does her solos, collaborates with different artists and Companies , Diethild Meier (Take Time End) among them. As a teacher she gives workshops p Body Weather and Clown in different countries in Europe and has been working as assistant choreographer in different projects in Barcelona, London and Berlin.

Sara Pons Company
Multidisciplinary company
Performance based on the investigation and combination of movement, clown, object manipulation, and Butoh dance, creating a unique style that is unconventional and poetic, with a high dose of absurd humour.
Sara Pons Company was born in 2017 as a continuation of ElOtro Company created in 2008. She has performed in various festivals, including Ripollésdansa, Batecs (Manresa Dance Festival), and Festival Corpo(a)Terra, among others.
Also geared towards teaching, Sara Pons Company has been offering the workshop Espacio-Tiempo-Cuerpo-Juego (Space-Time-Body-Play) in Spain and other countries since 2010.